Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012-What does service mean?

March 28, 2012

                Today we did more of the same; working on mudding, priming, and drilling the houses to which we have grown so accustomed. They’re coming along great; we have made so much progress since we first started! After work we traveled back to the Saint Bernard Project’s headquarters and met with the young Americorps representatives. They talked to us about their journeys and about all that they had learned over the course of their experience in New Orleans and abroad. They each have their own story and we were surprised by the diversity that existed in just one organization. They reminded all of us that community service does not end when the trip does and that there are opportunities to do good all around us, and all around the world.

                Upon returning to the hostel, we all took much needed and well deserved showers before we gathered together for a special surprise in the courtyard. We were divided into pairs and were given instructions to come up with a creative “gift” that we felt would express our appreciation for the rest of our group and for the experience here. We will present our “gifts” to our NOLA 2012 family tomorrow after dinner in a closing ceremony.

                Tonight, after dinner, we came together to discuss our feelings about the experience that we have had thus far and to answer some difficult and thought provoking questions. Rachel, one of our three chaperones, asked us if it is more meaningful to send money to the Saint Bernard Project, or to send yourself to do hands on work. We did not all agree on the answer to this question; however, we did all agree that the conversation was an important one to have.

                It is conversations such as these that make us think about all that we have at home and about all of the people who are not as fortunate. We are looking forward to our last day on the job and to spending another wonderful and worthwhile afternoon in the French Quarter and to experiencing all that the city of New Orleans has to offer.

                Thank you for reading!


                                                Lauren Gluck, Sarah Levine, and Ben Aronovitz

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